Crisis Communication Bootcamp - 2024 Session 1

  • Hey Mel! Communication & Training
  • Monday 18 - Friday 22 March, 2024
  • Time: 12-1pm (Brisbane time) each day
  • Live Q&A: 1-1.3Opm Wedneday & Friday
  • Via Zoom
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    Want to know how to successfully communicate during a crisis?

    The HMC Crisis Communication Bootcamp is for you!

    • We'll give you the confidence, knowledge, and tools you need to expertly manage the all-important communications for your business when (not if!) a crisis happens.
    • We'll share best-practice communication processes to make sure you're helping your business to protect its reputation.
    • You'll learn how to identify the crisis risks in your business, develop crisis response communication, and position yourself as the strategic advisor

    What's included?

    • 1-hour live webinar every day for five days
    • 2 live Q&A sessions
    • Template pack
    • Non-boring learning, drawing on real-life case studies

    Learn live from wherever you are!

    Join a one-hour webinar every day for five days, where we'll introduce you to crisis communication and start building your plan.

    Pick our brains

    Two live, virtual Q&A sessions during the week will give you the opportunity to pick our brains and test your thinking.

    Use our templates

    You'll be set up to hit the ground running with the templates we use at HMC to develop our crisis communication materials.

    Our students love us

    This course will help prepare you and your business for responding to a crisis, and understanding the critical work you need to do BEFORE the crisis occurs. It is engaging and Mel is a superstar who really knows her stuff! You won't regret taking this course!
    The Crisis Comms Workshop was an exceptional experience, well-presented with a captivating facilitator. The workshop offered a perfect blend of theory and hands-on exercises and fostering collaboration. Highly recommend for anyone interested in being better prepared when a crisis impacts your business or place of work.
    Any communicator who is serious about protecting their company's reputation and honing their craft should do this course. It's very practical, relatable, and interesting and will equip you with the knowledge and the tools to prepare your business to communicate effectively during a crisis. Do it, you won't regret it.
    Meet the instructor

    Mel Loy

    I know from experience the best way to manage your crisis communication is to be prepared.
    Over the course of my 20-plus-year (who's counting?) career, I've seen and managed communications for all types of crises - natural disasters, pandemics, financial issues, reputation risks ... you name it, I've done it. And every time I've been grateful for one thing - already having plans and processes in place, because we could move quickly, which is SO essential in a crisis!
    By participating in my bootcamp, you're taking the first and most critical step in crisis communication - being proactive! 
    But this will only work if you're committed to the five days of the bootcamp! I promise to share everything I know to set you up for success if you promise to not only show up, but be an active part of our learning.
    Patrick Jones - Course author
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    Frequently asked questions

    Who is this course for?

    This course is for anyone who might end up being in a position where they need to communicate during a crisis. Team leaders, communication professionals, business owners, client-facing teams, and everyone in between! It doesn't matter if you have one year of experience or 30, this course caters for everyone.

    How do I join in?

    After you have enrolled in the course, you'll receive meeting invitations with a Zoom link. We'll be using Zoom for every session. If you need to download it or need support using it, check out the resources here.

    What if I can't attend every session?

    At the end of the course you'll have access to all the recordings of the sessions for up to 12 months, along with all the tools we use. So if you can't join us for a session, don't fear! You'll be able to easily catch up, and remind yourself of what you learned later.

    Do you offer any discounts?

    We offer a 50% discount for students - you must supply us with valid, current proof of your enrolment. Payment plans are also available at check out.